We’ll show you how to add the shared calendar to a Google calendar, as this the most popular calendar app, but you can add a shared calendar to pretty much any decent calendar app you care to mention. That process is pretty seamless, but not much help if your recipient uses a non-Microsoft product. If they click “Accept and view calendar” then they’ll be taken to to log into a Microsoft account, where the shared calendar will be made available.
Click on 'Home' tab > 'New Items' > 'Appointment'. Steps need to be followed to hide details of Appointments and meeting in Outlook from others. The person you’ve shared your calendar is sent an email. Private icon will show up in bottom right hand corner of appointment bundle on calendar. How the recipient accepts your invitation to view a calendar is where the process differs a good bit from sharing with someone inside your organization. When you’re done, click “OK” to share your calendar. The Calendar Properties window will open on the Permissions tab, showing you who currently has access to your calendar. If you’re using Outlook for more than one account, make sure you select the calendar for the account you want to share. By default, they’ll have the a permission level of “Can view all details,” which you can change if you want. Unlike sharing with people in your organization, you can’t give external people “Can edit” or “Delegate” rights. Open the calendar in Outlook and then click Home > Share Calendar > Calendar. The person you’ve chosen will be added to the Permissions window.
Add the person you want to share your calendar with and then click “OK.”